The EAB considers appeals from an ALJ's decision related to unemployment insurance benefits. The EAB reviews the entire record and will affirm, reverse, modify, or remand an appeal. We do not hold hearings.
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Submit an Unemployment Insurance Appeal Online
If you receive an Administrative Law Judge decision related to unemployment insurance that you disagree with, you may submit an online appeal.
Submit a Written Argument
If you have additional information, not already provided to the EAB, for a pending case, you submit it here.
File for an Extension
File this if you need more time to Submit a Written Argument. Requests will be granted on a case-by-case basis.
Request Rehearing
You can request rehearing if you disagree with the EAB's decision. Submit the request using this form.
Here is the unemployment insurance claim process and here is where you are now:
1. Claim Filed
2. Fact-Finding Interview
3. Administrative Law Judge (ALJ) Hearing
4. ALJ Decisions Appealed to EAB - You are here
5. Appeal EAB Decision to District Court
You can file your appeal in one of four ways:
1. Online (this is the recommended and fastest method of submitting your appeal)
2. By fax: 515-281-7191
3. By mail:
Employment Appeal Board
6200 Park Ave, Ste 100
Des Moines, IA 50321
4. In-Person:
6200 Park Ave
Des Moines, IA 50321
The board members will listen to the hearing with the ALJ, review the exhibits, and any written arguments. The board members will vote to:
Modify; or,
Remand the ALJ’s decision.
The EAB then issues a written decision with appeal rights. The EAB will not hold a new hearing.
Affirm means the Board agrees with the ALJ ruling.
Reverse means the Board overruled the ALJ and found for the other party.
Modify means the Board agrees with the ALJ but changed some portion of the decision.
Remand means the Board returned the matter to the ALJ to make additional findings.
The acknowledgement letter lets you know the EAB has received an appeal. At that point, it has also been added to an agenda for the board members to vote. You should read the letter carefully. It will tell you what issues will be voted and explain any other information that may be needed. In some cases, you do not need to do anything but wait for a decision.
You can submit a written argument if there is additional information not included in your appeal. You may also submit a written argument if you are responding to an appeal filed by the other party.
You may request one extension of time to file a written argument when you have a good reason.
The “Acknowledgement of Appeal” letter is proof that your appeal has been received. You do not need to contact us unless you have further questions.
The EAB decision will usually be mailed within 30 to 60 days after the appeal is filed, depending on the how many cases we have. You will receive the decision in the mail. Calling about the status of the appeal will not result in a faster decision as appeals are processed in order.
There are two options:
1. Ask the EAB for a “Rehearing." A Rehearing is not a new hearing but a review of the Board’s decision by the Board. Read the EAB’s decision carefully as to why the decision was made. You will need to submit a written argument with your request to convince the EAB to reconsider their decision. Keep in mind that most rehearing requests result in the same determination. Rehearing requests must be filed within 20 days of the date of the EAB's decision. Request Rehearing.
2. File an appeal in the District Court. You or the other party may file an appeal directly with the District Court without asking for a Rehearing from the Board. This must be done within 30 days of the EAB's decision or after rehearing is denied.
You must wait until you receive the ALJ decision to file an appeal with the EAB. If you are appealing because you missed the hearing and disagree with the decision, you need to explain the reason you did not appear. Please give as much detail as possible.
You can try playing the disk in a:
CD player;
DVD player; or,
Gaming system, like PlayStation or X-Box.
You should contact our office at 515-281-3638 if you continue to have issues.
The EAB is separate from Iowa Workforce Development (IWD). You should contact IWD for questions about:
Filing unemployment claims;
Fact finding interviews; or,
Any other general questions.
Contact IWD at: uiappealshelp@iwd.iowa.gov or uiclaimshelp@iwd.iowa.gov
IWD Customer Service: 866-239-0843
The EAB will not be able to answer questions about these issues. We can only assist you with appeals to the EAB. You can only file an appeal once you have the ALJ’s decision.
The EAB is separate from the Department of Inspections, Appeals, and Licensing, Administrative Hearings Division. You should contact them for any questions about hearings pending before an ALJ.
More information about the Administrative Hearings Division can be found here.
Contact Administrative Hearings at: 800-532-1483, or, if you are outside Iowa, at 800-247-5205
The EAB will not be able to answer questions about these issues. We can only assist you with appeals to the EAB. You can only file an appeal once you have the ALJ’s decision.
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