A CEO is certified by the EAB to represent all employees in a bargaining unit following a vote. These are also known as Unions.
The BU is a group of employees in similar jobs or working for the same Employer. The EAB certifies a BU through the election process or a stipulation between the CEO and Employer.
First, you, a public employer, or a potential CEO can file a petition to create a BU. If the parties do not agree on the BU, the EAB or an administrative law judge will hold a public hearing.
Next, an Employer or potential CEO will petition the EAB for a certification election. You can contact existing CEOs to seek representation. You can also try to create your own CEO by filing a petition for a BU determination and election. Be aware, if you create your own CEO, you will owe others in the BU a legal duty or responsibility.
The EAB holds a secret ballot election for the employees in the BU. If the of the BU votes in favor of the CEO, then the EAB certifies the CEO. The CEO then has the exclusive right to bargain with the Employer on behalf of the BU.
You, the Employer, or the CEO can file a file a petition to amend a BU. If the parties do not agree on the BU, the EAB or an administrative law judge will hold a public hearing.
The parties should have agreed upon impasse policies. They will request impasse services from the EAB. We will send a random list of five to seven arbitrators and they will pick who they want to arbitrate the dispute.
If you are in a BU and the majority voted for the CEO, the CEO represents you and you can't opt out. But, if you and 30% of all employees in the bargaining unit agree, you can petition the EAB to hold a decertification election. You need to collect statements with signatures from each employee who wants to get rid of the CEO and file a petition. More information about the process can be found in Iowa Code section 20.15(3) and EAB rule 621—5.7(5).
The employee statements are confidential and we won't release them to any party.
If the CEO is decertified, the current collective bargaining agreement is no longer in effect. The Employer can't bargain with that CEO. No CEO can petition to become the new representative for two years.
You are required to submit annual reports, including an audit of any funds collected. You will also be responsible for paying the recertification election fees and engaging in the recertification process. Failure to do these without good cause will result in a decertification of the CEO.
Ten days after a new collective bargaining agreement is signed, you must upload it into the suPERB system. At the start of the recertification election, you are required to upload an employee list for each BU and participate in the recertification process. Failure to do so, will result in the CEO being automatically recertified and you will be included on the EAB's annual report to the Governor identifying non-compliant employers.
The EAB maintains a database of contracts that have been uploaded and can be found on the suPERB system.
NOTE: You MUST have a user account (i.e. username and password) to use EAB’s eFiling system. [Rule 621—16.3(1)(a)].
NOTE: Your username and password are a part of your electronic signature. [Rules 621—16.2(20) and 16.7(20)]. If a document requires a signature, then the document must be efiled under the signatory’s user account (i.e. username and password). Documents should not be filed under the paralegal’s or assistant’s user accounts.
- Click Request Account on login page.
- Read and accept terms of “EAB EFILING USER AGREEMENT.”
- Select user role (i.e. attorney, representative, self-represented, nonfiler).
- If attorney or representative, select organization (i.e. your employer).
- Most organizations have been pre-loaded into the system and can be found in the “Existing” drop-down menu.
- Complete User Profile.
- * = required text boxes.
- If attorney, add your bar number.
- Non-attorneys enter "9[BU number]"
- Alternative e-mails – when emails are sent, they can also be sent to the alternative email address (i.e. assistants, personal email account).
- Passwords – at least 8 characters, mixture of numbers, upper and lower case letters and 1 special character. Change every 60 days. 6. Click Submit.
- Click Submit.
- Click OK.
- EAB will process and approve your registration and then send you an email confirmation.
- After you receive confirmation, file an appearance on any cases pending so you receive notices.
NOTE: You cannot file documents until your registration has been processed and approved.
- Log into EAB’s e-Filing system.
- Click Cases or eFile>Existing Case from menu bar.
- Enter Case Number into the text box and click eFile.
- On the document type drop-down menu, select “Notice of Appearance (without a document).”
- After the document type is selected, click “ADD” and then “NEXT.”
- Your information should populate at the top of this page. Check the box next to the party you are representing. Then click next.
- You will be taken back to this screen in case you need to file additional documents. If you are only filing a notice of appearance, simply click “NEXT.”
- Click “submit the filing” to complete your filing.
NOTE: You must file a “Notice of Appearance” in each case in which you represent a party in order to receive notices of filings in the case. Filings will only be served electronically.
- Send an email to eab.elections@eab.iowa.gov to request a user account.
- Please include your contact information and the name of the employer, CEO, and/or bargaining units you represent.
- Your username will be your email address.
- You will receive a verification email that will allow you to login in to suPERB and reset your password.
Learn more in the suPERB CEO and Employer User Manual.
You can download the list of bargaining units, which are identified by unit number, unit, employer, CEO, affiliation, and type. If you need further information about a particular bargaining unit, search the suPERB database or send an email to eab.elections@eab.iowa.gov.