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Request Impasse Services
Impasse services can be used either for impasses related to collective bargaining or a dispute between the CEO and Employer. To request impasse services, email the completed Request for Impasse Services form to eab.elections@eab.iowa.gov
Back to topIowa Statutory Impasse Timeline Guide
Employer Type(s) | Unit Type | First date EAB will act on unilateral mediation request (120 days to completion deadline) | Deadline to commence arbitration hearing | Completion Deadline |
State | All units | 11/15 | -- | 3/15 |
City or County | All units | 11/30 | -- | 3/31 |
School District or AEA | Non-teachers | 12/15 | -- | 4/15 |
School distract or AEA | Licensed teachers | 1/31 | 5/13 | 5/31 |
Community college | All units | 1/31 | 5/13 | 5/31 |
Public employers not subject to Iowa Code 24.17 budget certification requirements | All units | 120 days prior to the date the employer's next fiscal or budget year commences | -- | The date upon which the employer's next fiscal or budget year commences |
Subject to modification by parties’ §20.19 independent impasse agreement. Code of Iowa 24.17 (2020): City and County budget certification changed from March 15 to March 31.
Back to topArbitration
Arbitration is a voluntary, binding dispute resolution process. The parties request a list of arbitrators from the EAB and then agree on which one they will use. The arbitrator usually holds a hearing between the two parties. After the hearing, the arbitrator decides the outcome of the dispute.
- Meet our Arbitrators
- Discover previous Neutral Arbitration Awards issued
Consumer Price Index (CPI) for Midwest Region
Back to topContract Mediation
EAB's professional staff serve as mediators to assist labor and management in the resolution of bargaining impasses. This is a voluntary process before going to binding arbitration.
Back to topGrievance Mediation
Grievance mediation is a voluntary alternative dispute resolution process. The parties work to resolve disputes with the help of a neutral person. During mediation, labor and management work out voluntary “win-win” results.
EAB provides experienced mediators to assist parties in resolving grievances before arbitration. The benefits to mediation include lower or no costs when compared to arbitration. And unlike arbitration, each party has a say in the outcome.
The CEO and Employer have to both agree to mediation. If the EAB provides a mediator, the parties must agree to reimburse the mediator's mileage. If the parties can't reach agreement, the next step is binding arbitration.
Back to topMediator Resources
Back to topBecome an EAB Arbitrator or Mediator
The EAB's arbitration and mediation programs are outlined in Iowa Code section 20.20 and 20.22. The regulations can be found at IAC 621-7, 13, and 14. If interested, apply to be an arbitrator or a mediator by emailing the completed application and supporting documents to eab.elections@eab.iowa.gov.
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