
To promote harmonious and cooperative relationships between government and its employees without disruption of public services, via the expert and timely services of a neutral agency.

What We Do

The Employment Appeal Board (EAB) is a review board. We typically do not hold hearings. We review the record created by the Administrative Law Judge (ALJ). Which includes listening to the recording, reviewing exhibits, and reading written arguments. We do not accept new or additional information not provided at the hearing.

The EAB provides timely and fair review of agency decisions related to employment. EAB decisions are final agency action.  Our decisions are appealable to the district courts. The Governor appoints the Board Members. Each board member represents a different interest: Labor, Management, and the Public.

Beginning July 1, 2024, the EAB also oversees public collective bargaining. We hold elections, decide prohibited practices complaints, and resolve grievances filed by state employees.

The EAB’s duties are outlined in Iowa Code section 10A.601. We are currently attached to the Department of Inspections, Appeals, and Licensing.